Reclaim your finances and thrive

Virtual Finance Classes

Enroll in free, personal finance classes for survivors of domestic abuse
Financial Beginnings National logo
In partnership with Financial Beginnings, we are excited to offer free, online personal finance classes to empower you to make informed financial decisions.

Classes are taught live by trained professionals, so you can ask your pressing finance questions. Recordings will also be made available, so you can learn at any time at you own pace.
  • White checkmark
    Learn about setting financial goals and budgeting
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    Learn about increasing your income potential and navigating taxes
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    Learn about how to build / maintain good credit and different loan types
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    Learn about how to protect your finances and insurance options


survivor and advocate class registrations in less than 12 months

9.3 out of 10

Net promoter score (i.e., how likely someone is to recommend our classes to a friend)

8.8 out of 10

Average increase in financial confidence after taking our course

What participants are saying

The following are messages from survivors and advocates who have taken our classes
This was wonderful and such a blessing.
The FinAbility classes are a much needed support for survivors of domestic abuse. They help to teach and empower survivors to move forward and reach for a stable financial future. The step by step classes helped me to learn a much needed skill and boosted my ability to manage my finances.
Financial abuse is another form of domestic violence commonly used. Often if the victim does escape they have to start all over again...these courses are vital for victims starting over.
This class was extremely helpful in showing me how to look at overall expenses and tracking. I can use this when strategizing savings goals.
I am freshly come out of a 37 year DV marriage situation and divorced, disabled and on my own.  Just connecting with others through the class and getting great information gave me hope.😃Thanks so much.
I'm a DV advocate and this class will help me share some knowledge with my clients...I strongly recommend it and I can't wait for the future sessions.
This class helped me look deeper into my financial goals and get a good idea on how to start making smarter choices financially. I think it would be beneficial to anyone that needs help setting goals or starting over and needs a little advice on how to make the most of their finances.
10 out of 10! I'm telling everyone to take these.
Enroll now

Get invited to (free) future classes

Resuming in Spring 2024

Coming up

Join an upcoming class

We don't have any classes scheduled at this time, but come back soon for updates!
Don't want to wait?

Watch our five part series here!

Learn to develop short-, intermediate-, and long-term goals, and learn the tools to attain those goals, such as banking and budgeting

Learn the importance of credit, and how to find and monitor your credit report and score. This also covers different loan types, and how they play a role in planning for large purchases.

Analyze your income potential and learn how to navigate US taxes.

Learn how to build savings and start planning for retirement regardless of where you are on your financial journey.

Learn about how to protect your finanical wellbeing through insurance and other protective measures.

About classes

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